Navigate Your Life TM
A Scientific Way to Explore the Hidden Potentials of Your Brain

A select group of highly focused organisations have been given the privilege of access to benefit from the opportunity to be empowered by understanding the vast treasures of intense ongoing medical research and find its outstanding applications in their daily life.
Some of the Organisations and Institutions who have gained from our Direct Interactions: 

Intelligent Organisations 
Make Intelligent Decisions !

  • DHL 
  • Shell
  • Lufthansa Airlines
  • Singapore Tourism Board
  • JTC.
  • Wing Tai Group of Companies
  • Preston University 
  • Royal College
  • National University of Management
  • The Imperial College of Management- 
  • (Awarded Shield for The Most Distinguished Lecture in Executive Dialogue Series)
Commendations & Accolades :
Tens of thousands of people around the world have been empowred to bring about strong positive and constructive changes in their lives.

 “Best speaker I’ve had in the last 5 years.” 

“Very confident and knowledgeable ” 
Francis, DHL

I must confess that you have helped a number of us to clear our own thinking. Many teachers were very impressed and felt that they too benefited from you. I can be bold to say that this has been the hot topic of discussion for the last couple of days in our school. Thank you” 

Mrs Pal Head Of Economics Dept.

“Have never Attended a session so different. Learnt Much more, We Must have more of such programmes.  You really changed our staff.” 

Henry H., Head Of Finance Dept. 

"An Eye-opening Experience !"

.......wish I had known all these earlier
Many Participants Feedback 

“…Ministry of Manpower expresses its Appreciation… for Your strong support and contribution…. in our collective effort to nurture a lifelong learning culture amongst Singaporeans. We look forward to your continuous support to evolve a Learning Nation.” 

Dr. Lee Boon Yang, 

Minister for Manpower
Govt. of Singapore

“Eye cannot see what mind does not know”. Today I opened a lot of doors in my mind and got aware of many new possibilities and dimensions. It is good to know all this and increase my perception, which would help me in my profession. Overall, I think you are doing a big favour making people aware of the vastness of the human brain” 

Z. A- Deputy Secretary Chamber Of Commerce 

“..many staff found it very interesting & thought-provoking. It has certainly given us new skills & tools to working better.. Your session was highly interactive, motivating & entertaining at the same time. It covered just the right amount of theory, with practical applications.”

Lisa C., Assistant Manager 
Singapore Tourism Board 


As a research organisation, Navigate Your Life is dedicated to the applications of the latest Medical research in day to day life

As an Education & Consultancy Service it is now well over decade that we have helped, advised, trained and coached tens thousands of Individuals, Professionals, Corporations, Institutions and Govt. Organisations around the Globe from all walks of life to navigate their life in more intelligent ways using Science as the guiding light



© Navigate Your Life

navigateyourlife,navigate your life pte ltd, life sciences, research intelligence, IQ, IQ increase, increase intelligence, genius, nutrition of genius, genius nutrition, nutrition genius, OK5R, brain, neuroscience , nutritional neuroscience,