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The Wernicke’s Area : Receptive Aphasia

The Wernicke’s Area ( part of Area 22) in the left dominant

hemisphere, is in the superior temporal gyrus and posterior

end of the lateral sulcus. It is connected to the

Broca area by The Arcuate fasciculus.


Lesions lead to Wernicke's aphasia

(e.g. secondary to embolic stroke) This is receptive. Speech is intact, yet at times meaningless or inappropriate despite fluency. Patient is unaware of it. Imparied understanding of both spoken and written words accompanied by Loss of repetition.





Stroke rehabilitation using noninvasive cortical stimulation: aphasia.

Mylius V, Zouari HG, Ayache SS, Farhat WH, Lefaucheur JP.

Expert Rev Neurother. 2012 Aug;12(8):973-82.

PMID 23002940


The Spectrum of Aphasia Subtypes and Etiology in Subacute Stroke.

Hoffmann M, Chen R.

J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013 May 13.

PMID 23680689



Characterizing the relationship between functional MRI-derived measures and clinical outcomes in patients with vascular lesions

Gallagher TA, et al.

Neurosurg Focus. 2013 Apr;

PMID 23544414



Aphasia in border-zone infarcts has a specific initial pattern and good long-term prognosis.

Flamand-Roze C, Cauquil-Michon C, Roze E, Souillard-Scemama R, Maintigneux L, Ducreux D, Adams D, Denier C.

Eur J Neurol. 2011 Dec;18(12):1397-401.

PMID 21554494 




Low-frequency rTMS with language therapy over a 3-month period for sensory-dominant aphasia: case series of two post-stroke Japanese patients.

Kakuda W, Abo M, Uruma G, Kaito N, Watanabe M.

Brain Inj. 2010;24(9):1113-7.

PMID 20569046








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